Data sources
Train the AI with data about your store, products, services to provide better and more accurate responses
Last updated
Train the AI with data about your store, products, services to provide better and more accurate responses
Last updated
Who can use this feature?
This feature is available for all users
Our AI assistant is still in beta version. If you have any concerns or feedbacks, please contact us to share and help us improve Chatty.
We've trained AI on your own data. By adding your own data sources, you can train AI assistant about your specific products, services, and business policies.
This helps the AI give more accurate and personalized responses to your customers.
Go to AI and automation tab
Click Manage in "AI assistant"
Add data source
FAQs: By turning on FAQs, all questions and answers in your FAQs will go to data source
Products: By turning on Products, all product information on your store will go to data source
Custom answer: You can add more knowledge about your store to train AI assistant. Click Manage -> Click Add answer. You can also select knowledge from our suggestions.
After building your data source, you can go to Test to test your AI assistant.
If you don't enable AI, you can still test AI assistant with data source you added.
You can edit or delete it from data source.
Be specific: Provide clear, detailed information
Use real examples: Include actual customer scenarios as example
Update regularly: Keep information current
Monitor performance: Regularly check AI responses and review customer interactions with AI