Add category

How to add or remove categories of questions

Who can use this feature?

  • This feature is avaible for all users.

What is category?

Category helps grouping questions in the same topic.

In default, we have 2 categories (with questions) which are popular for Shopify users:

  1. Order & Shipping

  2. Exchange & Return

You can edit, add more questions and delete categories.

Set up category

  1. Go to app, click FAQs -> Click Add category

  2. Fill in all the information

    • Category name: Title of Category displayed in the FAQ page

    • Position: Position of the Category in the FAQ page from top to bottom.

    • Icon: Select a relevant icon that helps users understand your content. We also support some other icons. Click View more to connect with us and check out other options.

    • Feature category: This helps you to list the category in the chatbox.

  3. Click Save

  4. Your new category is added. Turn on Published to show category and its questions in Chatbox & FAQs page

  5. Featured category: By clicking featured, this category will be shown first in the chatbox.

If you enable featured for 2 categories, the one with higher position will be placed first.

Last updated