Add questions

How to add or remove new questions and answers

Who can use this feature?

  • This feature is avaible for all users.

Go to app, click FAQs -> After creating category, you can add questions in category.

  1. Fill in all information

    • Category: This category cannot be changed now. You can edit after creating questions.

    • Question: Your question. Write your questions in your language because we cannot translate your question by Translation feature.

    • Answer: Answer to your question. Note that we cannot translate your question by Translation feature.

    • Feature question: This helps you to list your question in the chatbox.

      Write questions and answers in your language because we can not translate your question by Translation feature yet.

  2. Click Save

  3. Your new question is added. By turning on Published, this question will be displayed in the FAQ chatbox & FAQ page

  4. Featured question: By clicking Featured, this question will be displayed in the Article section in the chatbox

  5. You can change position of question within a category by draging question to your preferred position

Last updated