Uninstall Chatty

Learn what to do after you uninstall Chatty from your Shopify store.

What do I need to do after uninstalling app?

Please note, in some cases, when the app is removed from your Shopify store, our code might remain in your store. This happens because we lose access to the theme files immediately when you uninstall our app.

Follow these steps to ensure that your store continue to run smoothly.

1. Verify uninstallation process

Make sure that you've properly uninstalled Chatty from your store.

Go to Settings -> Apps and sales channels -> Double-check app list to confirm that Chatty is no longer available.

2. Delete FAQ page

  1. Get access to Shopify Admin → Online store → Pages

  2. Select page "Frequently Asked Question"

  3. Click Actions Delete pages

3. Handle lost conversations

The first thing to consider when uninstall Chatty is that you will lose access to all chat convesations you have with customers.

  • Before uninstalling, check important conversation data and manually save critical information from recent conversations

  • Inform your team that chat data will no longer be accessible

  • Create a plan for addressing customer concerns about previous conversations

4. Update new customer service

Chatty helps you provide customer service and support. Now Chatty's uninstalled, consider:

  • Setting up a new FAQs page to help answer customers' questions

  • Updating your "Contact Us" page with clear instructions

  • Implementing an alternative live chat solution

If you have any more concern, please contact our support team at support@avada.io.

Last updated