AI assistant
Quickly answer customer questions with AI trained on your data sources
Who can use this feature?
This feature is available for all users
Our AI assistant is still in beta version. If you have any concerns or feedbacks, please contact us to share and help us improve Chatty.
What is AI assistant?
Al assistant helps you solve customer's questions faster based on the data you provide.
This means:
faster resolution times
happier customers
less strain on your support team
This empower your customer support by maintaining your brand voice through all conversations 24/7 (even if you are solo-entrepreneur).
What AI assistant can do
Responds instantly
Responds to customer questions instantly 24/7
Suggest product
The AI helps customers find the right products by:
Understanding customer needs through conversation
Recommending relevant items
Providing product comparisons
Sharing product details and specifications
Offering alternatives when items are unavailable
Learn more about how AI answer questions about products
Provide order support
Customers can get help with:
Tracking orders
Checking order status
Understanding shipping times
Finding order history
Multi-language support
AI Assistant can:
Respond to queries in multiple languages
Handle paraphrased questions
Provide consistent answers across languages
Cannot translate special characters or symbols
May have limitations with highly technical or industry-specific terms
How to get your AI assistant ready?
Other settings
Set up welcome message, response action and transfer message (when users want human help)
Reply button: These buttons are shown below AI answers to help gather feedback or reach to support team
Resolved: If user's question is solved
Transfer to agent: If user wants human help
Handoff: Set up how you would like to respond to user who wants human help
Instructions: Set up how AI answers questions (tone of voice, length of answers)
More AI settings in details
This helps you set up how you would like to respond customers who want to speak with a human.
Assign to: Select who will handle conversations transfered from AI. In Inbox, this conversation will be assigned to that assignee.
This settings is not related to auto-assignment in Settings.
Response: Select how AI responds when users want to speak to human.
Ask for more information before transfering to human: Ask more while waiting for team to join conversation.
You can set up how AI answers customer questions. Select tone of voice and length of answer that fit your brand.
For example:
When using AI assistant
All conver sations will be answered automatically by AI assistant. In conversation detail, you will see AI assistant as assignee.
During the conversation handled by AI assistant, you can always join in the conversation and chat with customer by click Join conversation.
In the conversation with customer, there are 2 buttons shown below AI answers to gather feedback or reach support team. (set up these messages in Settings)
Yes, that's helpful: AI will marked the conversation as Resolved
No, I need more help: Conversation will be transfered to your team
Last updated
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